Secretary, House Cabinet
- Keeps minutes of cabinet and house meetings.
- Posts and distributes meeting minutes to house members (usually within 24 hours of the meetings).
- Is responsible for all correspondence between the house and outside entities.
- Keeps track of attendance at house meetings and events.
- Is responsible for balloting during elections and votes.
- Maintains a house e-mail list and web page.
- Produces and distributes a house newsletter
- How to write and format minutes.
- The roster of house residents (for attendance purposes).
- The house constitution and by-laws.
- The Department of Residence posting policy.
- More structured minutes follow the agenda exactly and report on each item that was discussed.
- Less structured minutes include only officer reports, old business, and new business.
- Loosely structured minutes report only the main points from the meeting (often in bullets).
- Concise – there’s no need to record every word that was said. Summarize the main points.
- Easy to read – use a good font, as well as bullets or numbers to make it flow well.
- More structured minutes follow the agenda exactly and report on each item that was discussed.
- A great place to post things is in the bathroom. If your house has community bathrooms, put them in every stall, .
- Make copies for each room.
- Set up an e-mail distribution list and send them out electronically