Accommodation Requests

- Step 1: Contract For Housing – Contract using the regular AccessPlus contracting process. Your accommodation assignment will be based on the date you submit your housing contract. Answer “yes” to the accommodation question on the contract.
- Step 2: Register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) – SAS evaluates each accommodation request, so you also must register with this office for your accommodation to be considered.
- Step 3: Submit a Housing Accommodation Request Form – You will need to complete a Housing Accommodation Request Form and submit it to SAS along with the Required Documentation. If needed, you may be contacted for clarification or additional information.
- If you don’t complete this step before May 1 for fall or December 1 for spring, we may not be able to accommodate you.
- Step 4: Your Request is Reviewed – Once you have completed the above steps, your request will be evaluated by the SAS staff who will make a recommendation regarding your assignment. Approval of all requests is at the discretion of Iowa State University.
- Step 5: Your Assignment is Made – If your request is approved, you will be assigned based first on your documented needs. The preferences on your housing contract will be considered, but an assignment within your preferences is not guaranteed. Additionally, your accommodation is for YOU only and we may not be able to assign you with any roommate(s) you have requested.