If you currently live in Frederiksen our SUV Apartments and want to stay in the same apartment you’re in now or move to a different one in the community, follow the dates below.

You want TO STAY IN THE SAME APARTMENT You’re in now

  • Mid-January: Submit your housing contract
  • Date TBD: Select to live in your same apartment
  • Date TBD: You can pull roommates in to vacancies in your apartment. Your roommate(s) can be any current ISU student, regardless of where they currently live, or any eligible, newly admitted student for fall 2023.


You can form a roommate group in the Housing Portal anytime so you’re ready to choose the apartment you want.

Then, you can follow the timeline below to choose an apartment within your current community (example: If you currently live in Fredriksen, you’d be able to choose Frederiksen apartments).

  • Date TBD: Groups of four can select within the community
  • Date TBD: Groups of three can select within the community
  • Date TBD: Pairs can select within the community
  • Date TBD: Individuals can select within the community